Technical Product Sheets
For more information and to download the Technical Data Sheets (TDS) for TechCement or Formula16, please click below and fill out the form.
Our products are highly tailorable and can be designed around a specific need. Both can be highly customized, and are not just an off the shelf formula.

TechCement™ products are typically used as a replacement for Ordinary Portland Cement (OPC) or in substitution for High Performance Concrete (HPC and UHPC). They can also be used to replace Glass Fiber Reinforced Concrete (GFRC). TechCement™ geopolymer provides a dense matrix, greatly reducing permeability and creating greater resistance to scaling induced by freeze/thaw conditions. TechCement™ can be used in concrete exposed to highly aggressive sulfate environments. TechCement™ develops higher strength at early ages when compared with portland cement concrete. It is effectively used in precast or prestressed concrete, where early strength gain and quick form turnaround are desired.
Formula 16™ is best suited for applications at or below grade, or in structures not requiring a high temperature tolerance (above 225°F). Formula 16™ is not susceptible to scaling from freeze/thaw as it is an impermeable material incapable of entraining liquids or gases. Formula 16™ cement can be used in concrete exposed to highly aggressive sulfate and acidic environments. Formula 16™ develops higher strength at early ages when compared with a portland cement. It is effectively used in precast or prestressed concrete, where early strength gain and quick form turnaround are desired.